Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rape Revenge- Paper Cage

The latest from yr favorites.

Rates of Failure

"We have stacked the odds against hope.  How many of my friends are in abusive relationships?  How many men in bands I love are rapists?  Everyone I know is a survivor.  When does it end?"

1. Rate of Failure
2. Thirsty Crow
3. Reject Your Blood
4. Long Walk Home
5. Stunted
6. When The Meeting Ends
7. The Messiah Effect
8. You're Over-Reacting
9. Unruly
10. Root of Apathy
11. Lawful of Shit
12. All Grown Up
13. Illusion Of Property
14. Denounce Them
15. Donor's List
16. Herbivore
